What is Memory in Psychology and Its Types with Brief Explanation

This article discusses “What is Memory in Psychology and Its Types with Brief Explanation. There is no doubt that many readers are familiar with the topic of memory because it is so common.

This article is aimed at making the topic as easy as possible for my readers to understand, as well as making it as interesting for them as possible.

Let me begin by introducing the concept of memory to you. The rest of the things will be explained side by side with the rest the things.

How does psychology define memory?

This is the ability of your mind and brain to keep a record of some information about your past and present so that you can refer to it in the future.

Memory types in psychology:

Take a look at memory types now. Each type of memory will be discussed separately.


Information is stored in our brains as a result of our senses in sensory memory. In the brain, memories are stored after they are picked up by the senses.

Further, sensory memory can be divided into two types:


In essence, it concerns our perception of the world. We rely on this to recall visual information. A moment like this lasts only a few seconds.


A lot of attention is paid to the sounds. Our auditory system is responsible for it. Three to four seconds are spent on it.


An individual who has a short-term memory will only be able to remember a small amount of information for a short time.

Working memory is also referred to as short-term memory. Using your working memory for immediate processing is what you do. Typically, this lasts between two and thirty seconds.


The term “long-term memory” refers to the storage of information that lasts for a long period of time. One lives with it for the rest of their life.

A further division is made into two types:


Descriptive memories are declarative memories. Defining and explaining memory is easy.


There is no declaration in this memory. A memory of this type is difficult to explain and difficult to define.


It is common for us to forget things from time to time. Long-term memory hasn’t been able to store the information from short-term memory.

Consequently, we are prone to forgetting things.

Wrapping Up:

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading the article, “What is Memory in Psychology and its Types” with a brief explanation. If you would like to engage in a discussion, please leave a comment below.

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